Friday, April 17, 2009

The Good Word

Tell me what it is with you! No posts? No news? No thoughts?

This past weekend was GLO-RI-OUS. And I made lamb. That's a good story. I'll trade one o' my stories for three others.

Linds - Do you still want me in your home in The Bay Area on May the 17th? I might take a week to chill out, though, so I might be there by the following Sunday Sunday Sunday. It's snowing again in Denver. Want to head out here for a weekend getaway? What are you doing this weekend instead?

Leilani - Question, Why do you never give me a chance to respond to your gmail chats? I'm usually in class, or late to work, or half asleep when I'm gmail, so you have to give me a second. What are you doing instead of giving me a second?

Melanie - I still haven't read that article I sent you a week ago. I'm back in bed so maybe you can call me and summarize it to me and I can fall asleep and dream of a similarities and differences. What are you doing now instead of sleeping?

Please answer your respective questions, and feel free to answer other unspecified matters, and please elaborate. I suggest to use where-what-when-why-how as a guide.


  1. I thought your classes started the 18th of May. If so, and as your study coach, I highly discourage you from missing class. You can come whenever you want, just let me know so I can pick you up from the aeroporto.

    Speaking of gl-or-ious, I remembered my password on the first try. Huzzah!!!

  2. En SERIO, mujeres.

    Coach, Robyn will take good notes for me. And classes are held in a cathedral! Can't go wrong!
    (Linds, St. Mary's, what's the commute time on that?)

  3. Hello!! Life Coach in da House!

    Sorry...I am at work, so I don't want to look too lazy because I am on gchat...but now I get gchat on my you can talk to me any time... in class, half asleep. Plus, isn't it fun to get cute notes from me or does it just frustrate you?

    So when do you get to SF, because as your life coach (not study coach) I demand we ALL have some fun life experiences at Linds' place (i guess Linds and Adrian's). And how long ya'll will be there because I am dying for some good lovin' from the HOME FRIES (that would be you ladies)!!!

    Work is busy body...I seem to accumulate lots of responsibilities in my old age. I am running a half marathon this weekend. I am going to vegas the weekend after that. Oh I had lunch with Mel's mom a couple of weekends ago to meet a girl who wanted to get to know other youngin's around RSM (rare, I should be on the endangered species list!). Hmmm...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am going on a cruise with 24 of my closest co-workers/ex-coworkers = lots of friends. Apparently, you can only bring 2 bottles of wine per room and only wine. However, when you hang out with a bunch of engineers, they figure out how to re-package hard liquor into wine bottles...If you want to know the secrect we have to talk offline.

    What's up wichu?
